Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How to fill out UPS & USPS customs forms for Deployment Care Packages

It takes a few minutes to fill out a customs form, so I recommend taking a few home with you to fill out before you head to the Post Office/UPS store. I also recommend being specific when listing the contents, but not too specific. For example, when I was mailing a box at the Post Office I had written "snacks" and the Post Office worker asked that I write down chips/cookies/candy/whatever the "snacks" were. But if I were mailing an iPod I, personally, would not write that down, due to the possibility of someone trying to steal it while it is en-route.

The address box on the form does not match an APO address exactly. Here is a guide for how to fill out the TO portion of the form:

  • Business: The unit/company information. Ex. 123rd OD CO EOD
  • Address: The FOB/COP. Ex. FOB Snowflake
  • City: APO
  • State: AE/AP/AA
  • Post Code: the 5 or 9 digit zip code
  • Country: Leave this BLANK

UPS Form A perk of using UPS is that they create the customs form that goes onto the package for you. You just give them the info that goes on it.

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