It takes a few minutes to fill out a customs form, so I recommend taking a few home with you to fill out before you head to the Post Office/UPS store. I also recommend being specific when listing the contents, but not too specific. For example, when I was mailing a box at the Post Office I had written "snacks" and the Post Office worker asked that I write down chips/cookies/candy/whatever the "snacks" were. But if I were mailing an iPod I, personally, would not write that down, due to the possibility of someone trying to steal it while it is en-route.
The address box on the form does not match an APO address exactly. Here is a guide for how to fill out the TO portion of the form:
- Business: The unit/company information. Ex. 123rd OD CO EOD
- Address: The FOB/COP. Ex. FOB Snowflake
- City: APO
- State: AE/AP/AA
- Post Code: the 5 or 9 digit zip code
- Country: Leave this BLANK
UPS Form A perk of using UPS is that they create the customs form that goes onto the package for you. You just give them the info that goes on it.
Do you not list the weight of the contents?